Spouses from Hong Kong or Macao who have obtained a Taiwan Resident Certificate pursuant to Article 16, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Rules for Approving the Entry of Citizens of Hong Kong and Macao to Taiwan and their Residency or Permanent Residency or a Taiwan Area Permanent Resident Certificate with Multiple Reentry Permit may apply to participate in skill tests pursuant to Articles 6 through 9 of the Rules for Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates. (Taiwan)

Elva Chuang

Under Article 16, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Rules for Approving the Entry of Citizens of Hong Kong and Macao to Taiwan and their Residency or Permanent Residency, citizens of Hong Kong or Macao may apply for their residency in the Taiwan area if their spouses have registered their households in the Taiwan area.  The Ministry of Labor issued the Lao-Dong-Fa-Nen-1070509216 Circular of July 30, 2018 (hereinafter, the “Circular”) to interpret that “spouses” from Hong Kong or Macao who have obtained a Taiwan Resident Certificate pursuant to the above provision or a Taiwan Area Permanent Resident Certificate with Multiple Reentry Permit may apply to participate in skill tests pursuant to Articles 6 through 9 of the Rules for Technician Skills Certification and Issuance of Certificates (hereinafter, the “Rules”).  This interpretation went into force on the day of its issuance.

In reference to Articles 6 through 9 of the Rules, those who have reached 15 or graduated from junior high school may participate in the skill test for Class C Technicians or Classless Certified Technicians.  Those who have any of the statutory qualifications under Article 7 of the Rules may participate in the skill test for Class B Technicians, and those who have any of the statutory qualifications under Article 8 of the Rules may participate in the skill test for Class A Technicians.   For the qualifications for skill test application stipulated under the above requirements, if the central competent authority for specified business has other laws and regulations, such laws and regulations shall govern.