George Jamn

Senior Technology and Patent Advisor
  • Patent Engineer, Top-team Patent & Trademark Office (2003 - 2010)
  • ProcessEngineer, SINTEK Photronic Corp. (2003-2004)
  • Crystal Oscillator R&D Engineer, TaiTien Electronic Corp. (2002)
  • LCD Process Engineer, United-Radiant Technology Corp. (1994 - 1995)
  • Patent prosecution in the areas of electronics, materials, optics, and displays
  • Patentability analysis and invalidation opinion works in the fields of semiconductors, polymer materials, optics and displays
  • Opinion works with respect to products of integrated circuit devices, optical measurements, optical films, integrated passive circuit devices
  • Patent transfer management and recordation
    Journal Papers :
  • I.G. Chen, G. Jamn, J.C. Hsu and M.K. Wu, "Materials characteristics of a single grained Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductor", J. Appl. Phys., 81 (8), Apr. 1997, p 4947-4949
  • I.G. Chen, J.C. Hsu, G. Jamn, C.E. Lin and M.K. Wu, "Magnetic levitation/suspension system by high-temperature superconducting materials", J. Appl. Phys., 81 (8), Apr. 1997, p 4272-4274
  • I.G. Chen, G. Jamn and J.C. Hsu, "Homogeneity of top-seeded single-grained YBCO superconductors", Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials, v B53 n 1-2, May 1998, p 132-137
  • I.G. Chen, J.C. Hsu, G. Janm*, C.C. Kuo, H.J. Liu and M.K. Wu, "Magnetic levitation force of single grained YBCO materials", Chinese Journal of Physics, 36: (2) Part 2, Apr. 1998, p 420-427
  • H.F. Cheng, K.S. Liu, Y.J. Chen, G. Jamn and I.N. Lin, "Ferroelectric properties of (PbxLa1-x)(ZryTi1-y)O3 films prepared by two-step pulsed laser deposition process", Integrated
  • Ferroelectrics, 26: (1-4), 1999, p 703-710
  • K.S. Liu, Y.J. Chen, G. Jamn and I.N. Lin, "(Pb1-xLax)(Zr1-yTiy)O3 patterns on Pt-coated silicon prepared by pulsed laser deposition process", Appl. Phys. Lett., 75: (17), Oct. 1999, p 2647-2649
  • G. Jamn, K.S. Liu and I.N. Lin, "Deposition of Large-Area Graded (Pb1-xLax)TiO3 Thin Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition", Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2000
    International Conference :
  • I.G. Chen, J.C. Hsu and G. Jamn, "Magnetic Levitation Transportation System by Top-Seeded Melt-Textured YBCO Superconductor", Proceeding of 10th Annu. HTS Workshop, Huston, TX, March, 1996
  • Y.J. Chen, G. Jamn, K.S. Liu and I.N. Lin, "Effect of characteristics of SrRuO3 buffer layer on the ferroelectric properties of (Pb0.97La0.03)(Zr0.66Ti0.3 4)0.9875O3 thin films", Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings Proceedings of the 1998 MRS Fall Meeting - Symposium on Ferroelectric Thin Films VII, v541, 1999, p 313-318
  • J.S. Kao, C.H. Tsai, G. Jamn, K.S. Liu and I.N. Lin, "Optical And Electro-Optical Properties of PLZT Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition Process", International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics 2000, Aachen, Germany, March, 2000
  • National Tsing-Hua University (Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering, 1997 - 2000)
  • National Cheng-Kung University (M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, 1995 - 1997)
  • Feng-Chia University (B.S., Materials Science, 1988 - 1992)
Mandarin, English,Taiwanese, and Japanese(fair)