[Speech Engagement] Our co-founder has given the opening remarks to several Blockchain-related Events this month

December 18, 2023

December marks a celebratory period for blockchain enthusiasts. With Fintech as a focal point for our firm, Jaclyn Tsai, our co-founder and Fintech leader, has assumed the position of the General Counsel for the preparatory office of the VASP Association in Taiwan. In addition, she has recently been invited to make opening statements at the following events:

Bankee ‘2023 Virtual Asset Survey’ Press Conference:
Following the FSC’s promulgation of the ‘Guiding Principles for Managing Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs),’ Bankee Community Bank released the ‘2023 Virtual Asset Survey’, which provided insights on virtual asset literacy, investment preferences, profitability, data sources, and attitudes toward regulatory supervision.

-> Explore more: https://www.feg.com.tw/tw/news/news_detail.aspx?id=10771

8th Taiwan Blockchain Summit – Privacy Computing:
The Taiwan Association for Blockchain Ecosystem Innovation organized the 8th Taiwan Blockchain Summit focused on privacy computing. Key highlights included zero-knowledge proof, secure multi-party computation, account abstraction, and layer 2 technology.

-> Event recap: https://youtu.be/-z7VipgTbH4?t=1484

-> Full news: https://www.blocktempo.com/the-8th-taiwan-blockchain-summit-held-from-december-6th-to-8th/

Taipei Blockchain Week – She Scales Summit:
The ‘She Scales Summit’ featured female leaders from various technology fields sharing their experiences and expertise. This event demonstrated how women has brought changes to the technology and Web3 industries, as well as highlighted their achievements in driving progress and fostering a more inclusive and dynamic future.

-> Event details: https://www.taipeiblockchainweek.com/tbw23-she-scales