[Article Publication] Our attorneys have contributed to the Law & Practice, Taiwan Chapter of the Energy: Oil & Gas 2023 Global Practice Guide by Chambers and Partners

August 14, 2023

The recently unveiled practice guide by Chambers and Partners, authored by our attorneys, Dr. Chung-Teh Lee, Pei-Ching Ji, Elizabeth Pai, and Jiselle Ong, offers an illuminating dive into Taiwan’s energy, oil, and gas sector in 2023.

The report begins by elucidating the intricate framework of hydrocarbon ownership and its regulatory landscape in Taiwan. It delves into the legal nuances surrounding both upstream and downstream private investment in hydrocarbons. Of particular interest is exploring foreign investment opportunities within Taiwan’s hydrocarbon sector, and the report showcases the Taiwan’s welcoming stance towards foreign participation, as well as the avenues available for international players.

The report addresses the crucial Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) concerns and the importance of those regulations in the domestic energy industry. It highlights the Taiwan’s commitment to sustainable practices and the legal mechanisms in place to ensure stringent adherence to EHS standards.

This comprehensive legal guide also provides an array of supplementary information. It unveils key considerations and strategic insights for businesses and investors seeking to engage with Taiwan’s evolving hydrocarbon landscape.

In conclusion, the report encapsulates Taiwan’s dynamic journey in the hydrocarbon realm. As Taiwan forges ahead, it demonstrates its commitment to fostering private investment, embracing foreign collaboration, and prioritizing environmental and safety benchmarks. This expert legal guide is a comprehensive analysis and an invaluable roadmap for those navigating Taiwan’s hydrocarbon terrain.

The full report: https://practiceguides.chambers.com/practice-guides/energy-oil-gas-2023/taiwan